[Ansteorra] maybe an answer to recruitment problems

Donna Nesbit themaefare at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 15 12:34:11 PST 2012

Before Christmas, we had a "personae" night.  Many of our members came in garb.  Before the meeting, we went around the circle, and each person told a story about their garb (why they chose it, etc.), their personae (how they ended up when and where they were), or their search for a personae (particularly the newcomers).  This allowed the newcomers- and we had several- to see how different people arrived at their personae and how long it took some people.  Many newcomers believe that they need to choose a personae right away, and this dispelled that myth to a degree.
We have done two other things that seem to be helping membership.  First, in addition to the barony's list, we have an active Facebook page.  We have a number of newcomers that have found us that way.  Also, we meet at Hobby Lobby once a month for an A&S night.  This is a non-threatening location that has room for us and most people can find.  Most of the time, members bring whatever they are working on at the moment, which allows others a chance to ask questions.  Also, if someone is interested in a particular project, the supplies might be available in the store.  People are also invited to just drop in and see what we are doing, which raises our visibility.  
At our last meeting, in addition to sharing ideas, one person brought fabric to share, and another brought patterns- which helps newcomers limited means to get started on garb.  
I think each group needs to find what works for them depending on the demographics of their group as well as what is available in the area.

--- On Sun, 1/15/12, Cait O'Hara <moc at seneschal.ansteorra.org> wrote:

From: Cait O'Hara <moc at seneschal.ansteorra.org>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] maybe an answer to recruitment problems
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012, 10:20 AM

Back in the 90's, I was heavily involved with the Collegium Turris Animarum at UT Austin. We had many meetings and revels and mini-demos. It was a lot of fun. So, I agree that more local activities are essential to gaining new members. Here is one possible idea that I will be doing with the teens at Gulf Wars this year:

Persona Night
Come in garb and in persona. I will have quiz sheets and ice breakers for participants. If they don't have their persona created, it will help them with that process. I thought it would be a good way for teens to get into the Dream and forget about the mundane world. I think this might work well for a populace meeting. There could be a 30 minute mingling session. I know so many members but I know nothing about their personae. I would love to know more about their Medieval selves.

I know for us, it is very difficult to make events and even some meetings. Times are tough, and even tougher for college students. Maybe we could do more demos on college campuses? Maybe have a May Day event on a campus or just locally? Steppes has mini-events where they have fighter practice, court, and classes all in one place. The event is free (like a fighter practice) but has all the amenities of an actual event. Plus, it is more lax. If non-SCAdians want to pop by and see what is going on, all the better.

I have also been guilty of giving too much too soon. I get so excited about what we do that I want to share everything right now. I am trying to fix that. Instead, I ask about the newcomer's life. What mundane activities are they interested in? Then, I take that interest and try to think of an SCA equivalent. That gets them interested. Then, I find someone who shares that interest and I introduce them. I know people can get scared off if they are inundated with so much period stuff. So, I try to show them that the SCA isn't irreproachable. Mundane equivalents can be found.


On 1/15/2012 2:14 AM, willowdewisp at juno.com wrote:
> Hi everyone this is Willow
> I am speaking as a simple member of the SCA. We have all been talking about why we are not recruiting as many young people as we did in the past. I have some observations
> First we have a lot of people who have been in for a while.
> second we have people who have just come in.
> Third we don't have a lot of people in the middle.
> For a long time now about 20 year people have been taking new people away from me and telling me I was giving them to much to soon.  I made people think that they had to have all these things and knowledge right now and I was not explaining to people that I had been working on stuff for 40 years.
> I am not sure we all aren't doing that to our new people. Many of us have been working on our SCA presence for over 5 years  and I want to tell you by that time you have a lot of stuff together and you know a lot. For new people they see the costumes and finery and the tents and skills and they think they need to get that all together in the next 6 months before we will think of them as real members.
> If they are in their early 20's they know they will probably move in the next 5 years and if they are in college they know that for a fact. The thought of trying to get all that together just so they can have a creative  impute in the group is to much. Many times they look at us and past us over for another kind  of activity that will them "live a Dream" now, not in 6 years.
> When I was young and yes once I was young we were more rough  and tumble. We dressed in early styles and we often just slept on the green. I remember doing Courtly dancing to a beat played on a pot and young girl singing. We learned as we did and it was great fun.
> I know I am not up to that  but we need to see if we can create some rustic places where there is atmosphere and  it has the dream but people won't feel that everything has to be perfect.
> We need to play persona and model behavior so people can learn in a human interactive way.
> To achieve that goal I would like to ask like minded people to do the following.
> Try to arrange a gathering area at events that does some period activities and fosters period  behavior like the "the green Dragon" at Gulf war.
> Take someone under your wing and share people and places that you found entertaining and interesting
> And find out something that you would do for fun during your period . learn it and teach it and do it.
> Make your area a part of the "the Dream" . Look  at the world  through the eyes of someone from your time period and open a window to the time for other. What makes us different than other groups  is we teach by doing.
> Try to bridge the gaps between the oldbies and the newbies. Please act as the translator.
> Let us work together to bring people back into the kingdom and help people stay in.
> I tell you that the more people we have enjoying themselves the more joy each and every one of us will have.
> Please write and tell me what you are doing. I don't get out as much as I used to do but I really enjoy hearing about what you are doing.
> Right now I am making plans the Spring. As of this moment I will not be going to the War. I was wondering if any of you are planning on something that we could do here at the home front.
> willow.
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