[Ansteorra] Participation vs. Recruitment (long)

Danielle Jennings cle0patra.29.85 at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 26 10:43:28 PST 2012

Ok to look at this from another side.

Let us say for the sake of argument that our goal is to have
an average event attendance of 200 and Let us use Bonwicke as an example.
 Now Bonwicke is far enough away that at their average events (if Crown is
not going to be able to make it) they should expect an attendance of less
than 100 people. That includes the core group of Bonwicke as well as the
very active playes from the surrounding (day trip-able) area. In
this group there are likely to be less than 5 Kingdom level players from
areas outside the day trip range. If 400 Kingdom level players (two events
per month) were recruited that 5 might reasonably be increased to 20 giving
us an attendance of 120 not the 200 we are looking for. How ever if
Bonwicke, Black Lake, Adlersrue, and Trelac all recruit 25 active local
players and car pool that will get us up to the 200.

Let's Face it very few of us are willing to drive more than 4 hours one way
to get to a local level event with a few obvious exceptions (Warlord BAM
ect.) So recruiting for local and regional level players and getting them
on good enough terms to carpool (revels fighter practice and other ways)
makes much more sense at least for the small and/or out of the way groups.

And before you kingdom level players argue with my numbers ask your self
when was the last time you were in Bonwicke? Then argue away.

Pippa Artisan of Bonwicke (Living in Stargate)

P.S. Bonwicke's Artisan Competition and Thirtieth year Celebration are at
the end of February. I Think They might even have a new B&B stepping up
that day. See you all there :)

P.P.S. Not trying to be obnoxious.

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