[Ansteorra] Participation vs Recruitment

Diego de Quevedo diegodequevedo at aol.com
Thu Jan 26 05:59:56 PST 2012

Participation would improve in the area where our family lives if we had an active group. Unfortunately the group in our area has been inactive for many years and resistant to any offers to revitalize. 

When this is allowed and cultivated by senior officers on local, regional and kingdom levels, then participation for those of us that don't want to drive 75 miles or more for a fighter practice much less a local event of which our group hasn't had since Hurricane Rita, how can we participate? 

We are letting our family membership lapse this month because we are unable to benefit from it in any way. 

We have been sustaining members for many years. We held numerous local and regional offices at one time. Just can't see a point in spending the money. Especially when it's so difficult to find something to bring our handicap son to that doesn't require a 3-5 hour round trip drive. 

Diego and Alesone

Jim Kibodeaux
Health, Safety, Environmental,
Industrial Hygiene,  Specialist
Emergency Medical Technician
PO Box 296
Colmesneil, Texas 75938

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