[Ansteorra] Fwd: Recruitment, and more importantly.... retention

Suzanne hsetrinity at aol.com
Thu Jan 26 18:27:58 PST 2012

I am having difficulty posting from my Kingdom Hospitaler account.  Please see below. 


Kingdom Hospitaler

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kingdom Hospitaler <kingdom at hospitaler.ansteorra.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Recruitment, and more importantly.... retention
To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org

Regarding the recent discussion on recruitment and participation on this list:

There have been many ideas set forth in this discussion, which I welcome as we move forth in our quest to grow Ansteorra's population. Please - let's maintain a strong, but polite discourse on the subject of recruitment and retention!  

I welcome any ideas that you might wish to send to my attention, especially ideas for retention, as this is has been a concern the past few years.  Our numbers are steadily slipping, good Gentles, and it is up to each and every one of us to help keep this Society alive... the Society which has left us with warm memories, incredible Heroes, and created such a wonderful extended family for us all. 

I charge you all to help a newcomer, (whether he or she be new to your local group, the Kingdom, or the Society as whole), and to reach out to an expatriate member to come back to us and share in our fun.   Remember those who helped you when you first began your journey. and pay it forward. 

It takes 3 touches for people to remember your product, but it takes much more for them to want to make an investment of both their money and time.   What is the incentive that you are providing? 

Your servant, 

Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Kingdom Hospitaler


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