[Ansteorra] Corpora vs kingdom law

Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Thu Jul 5 22:07:51 PDT 2012

On Thu, 5 Jul 2012, Maria Buchanan <scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Yes. Kingdom law takes precedence.

No, Corpora takes precedence.  It's in the first section of Corpora.
Kingdom law is #5 in

     0. Real-world law
     1. The By-Laws of the appropriate organization
     2. The Corporate Policies of the appropriate organization
     3. The Corpora of the Society
     4. Society Officers' Policies approved by the Board
     5. Kingdom Law (within the kingdom that enacts it.)
     6. Decision of the Crown (within the kingdom and for the duration
        of the current reign.)
     7. Principality Law (within the principality that enacts it.)
     8. Decision of the Coronet (within the principality and for the
        duration of the current reign.)

(Yes, I know what you meant.  You meant that kingdom law, being
stricter in this instance, means that the kingdom's restrictions on
paid membership to SCA-Inc-a-California-corporation have effect and
the Corpora restrictions may as well not be there.  My kvetch is that
"Kingdom law takes precedence" is an infelicitous way of expressing

> Corpora says that Kingdom law can be more stringent than Corpora,
> but not less.


Corpora says "The Crown or the Coronet may make and amend such laws of
their realm as they deem necessary, with the restriction that
principality laws are subject to the approval of the Crown".

Indeed, there are vast areas in which Corpora and corporate officers
say nothing, and kingdoms can legislate in such areas.

Or they say nothing concerning lower level policies, ditto.

But a kingdom can't trump any level above it.  Where Corpora says "The
Board reserves to itself" or "in accordance with this document" or "No
court shall" or "The privileges ... of territorial Baron and/or
Baroness ... shall include the right to" or "No provision of law shall
be in effect, nor shall the subjects of a realm be responsible for
such provision, until such proclamation and publication have taken
place" or "may not imply or state that a person must remain a member
to retain ... awards or titles once given", the kingdom can try to
impose all the strictness it wants, but it has no effect.

Daniel Lindecolina
Tim McDaniel, tmcd at panix.com

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