[Ansteorra] Seeking: Horoun, Gabriela D'Avila, Chrystal Ariana MacRuari
Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
zubeydah at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 06:48:04 PDT 2012
I am the vscribe for the Ansteorran wiki, and am working on a page for
the Cadet Banner. I would like your permission to quote an email you
sent to the Ansteorran Rapier list, back in 2002:
Haroun writes: "The cadet banners were a result of Pennsic 19 when
Sionna and myself were tagged for banner detail for the opening
ceremonies. What we were handed were the small banners that are
usually used to hang inside the royal pavilion. Well as we walked
along behing Calontir with that big mucking purple banner waving, we
both commented on feeling kinda cheesey. Upon returning home I started
to gather support and funds till we had enough to proceed. Laven,
Henri, Zorcmyself spent about 24 straight hours doing all the
applique. None of us knew how to sew and were coached along by several
ladies who giggled alot. If any of the pics from the making off have
survived they are somewhat humorous. Then they were finished and
presented to Patrick and Julia at her Queen's Champion. The reception
was incredible as Patrick was unable to speak as he was choked up and
those in the audience were suprised at this sort of effort from "those
troublesome cadets." They then traveled to the first Gulf Wars carried
there by cadets, as the rest of our presentation was that the cadets
would get them to any event the Crown desired. This was done for them
as they were responsible for so much regalia that it was felt kind not
to burden them with more. "
If this is acceptable, could I ask you to fill out a content
permission form, (found here:
http://www.ansteorra.org/publications/forms/ReleaseCreative.pdf) and
email it back to me?
Many thanks,
Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Vscribe to the Ansteorran Wiki
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:13 AM, dbw6969 at yahoo.com <dbw6969 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Horoun was made a WSA back about 92 and can be reached at this email.
> Robert MacPharland
> (Formerly Horoun)
> Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless
> -----Original message-----
> From: Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah <zubeydah at gmail.com>
> To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Tue, Jul 17, 2012 19:18:57 GMT+00:00
> Subject: [Ansteorra] Seeking: Horoun, Gabriela D'Avila, Chrystal Ariana
> MacRuari
> I am hoping to make contact with three individuals:
> "Horoun" (in 2002, was cadet to Don Durmast)
> Gabriela D'Avila (I know she moved out of Kingdom)
> and Chrystal Ariana MacRuari, who, back in 2002, was Cadet to Don
> Aubrey & Don Zorcon.
> Could anyone having contact info for these gentles please pass along
> my hope to correspond with them?
> Many thanks,
> Zubeydah
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