[Ansteorra] Same-Gender Consort Proposal
rose_welch at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 18 16:27:07 PDT 2012
AS Zorzi,
If I understand you correctly, you are asking why not
choose an alternative to Inspirational Equality, an alternative to
striking those four words from Corpora? What's wrong with a little
forced personae play?
Those are good questions. For the
answers, I refer you to Mistress Gunnvors' email, in which she expounded
the feelings she has regarding our current separate-but-equal policies.
I assure you that there are many, many other Ansteorrans - hard working
members and officers - who share those feelings.
We're why
not. Those feelings are what's wrong with our current policy. Respect
for Mistress Gunnvor, myself, and everyone else that was ever denied
something as simple as the right to enter a procession and fight for
their chosen consort, based on something so arbitrary and outside of
their control, such as skin color or genitalia are why not. A lack of
compassion for people who have had (and some who still have) to 'force
persona play' *in real life* because of their gender and sexual
preference, and for those whom are still painfully aware of that history
is what's wrong with that. I hope that answers your questions.
Lady Rose de la Rose
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile. ~Hippocrates
On Jul 18, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Jeffrey Clark wrote:
>> "Considering the other things we do that are not historically accurate it
>> would seem allowing people to fight for crown would be a good thing. We may
>> play a game based on pre 1600 but our minds should not be stuck there as
>> well."
>> Wait a moment! How do we *not *allow them to fight for crown? Do we also
>> not allow those who are not in romantic relationships to fight in crown or
>> become monarchs?
>> How is saying: "our tradition holds that ruling monarchs need to be
>> king/queen" discriminatory? Certainly it favors those who are in
>> heteronormative romantic relationships, however I am sure that there are
>> any number of competitors who are not: those who are gay, those who aren't
>> romantically inclined to anyone at the time, those who's significant others
>> don't/can't play...
>> Certainly it is *nice* to be able to fight for "the one who inspires" you;
>> however such a luxury is not available to everyone; and I doubt that most
>> period nobles (much less, monarchs) had the luxury of representing "their
>> inspiration".
>> What is wrong with a little persona play to nod towards tradition,
>> represent your inspiration, and cause courts to be a little more fun? Take
>> a puppet king/queen that was forced on you (certainly *that* is a period
>> situation) and then haul your real love up to the throne and give them some
>> special honour and favour them over your official consort. I'm sure there
>> are a lot of potential consorts who would be willing to play along. You can
>> even theme some events on the idea:
>> Many Renaissance nobles would have "Classical" paintings commissioned of
>> idyllic scenes taken from Grecian or Roman mythology, and they would pay
>> the painter to use their mistress as the model for Aphrodite or Athena or
>> whoever; and because it was a classical scene -- there was no problem that
>> this Greek goddess was essentially nude. To the casual observer, it was a
>> painting of Aphrodite -- but to the one noble it was a nude of his lover.
>> Why not have events where -- rather than bards and artisans honouring the
>> royal couple -- they honour "distant/secret loves" or somesuch? That would
>> really be fun.
>> --AS Zorzi
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