[Ansteorra] Questions about crowns and crown tournaments
Justin Wininger
brkn_prms at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 20 18:54:31 PDT 2012
So if this (same sex consorts) goes through, then the rapier community can then request that every other Crown Tourney be held as a rapier tourney, that way rapier fighters could be King or Queen, right? Seems fair!! Why should the Crown be restricted to only heavy fighters? Seems a bit biased. If we can have a King and King or a Queen and a Queen, then let's be fair all the way around and give rapier folks a chance to reign.
> Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 19:53:43 -0500
> To: ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
> From: dontivar at gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Questions about crowns and crown tournaments
> At 10:21 AM 7/20/2012, you wrote:
> >Bleh. I knew who I was talking about. I just dredged the wrong
> >name out of my
> >memory. LOL
> >Anyway, my point was someone asked about QC being renamed. It
> >wouldn't have to
> >be.
> It certainly won't be if *I* have anything to say about it. If
> there's a Queen, we'll have a Queen's Champion tournament (unless Her
> Majesty specifically requests that it not happen.) It doesn't matter
> if the Queen is Consort, or Sovereign, she still gets her tourney.
> If we end up with two guys on the throne, then it gets interesting.
> We might have a Consort's Champion tournament, we might not; it would
> depend a lot on the wishes of the folks on the throne.
> -Tivar Moondragon
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