[Ansteorra] Volunteers needed for KW Children's Fete at Pennsic
Cait O'Hara
moc at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Mon Jul 16 07:31:21 PDT 2012
Forwarded by request.
From: society_youth_forum at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:society_youth_forum%40yahoogroups.com> on behalf of C
[hfyouth at highlandfoorde.atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 8:18 PM To:
society_youth_forum at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [society_youth_forum] Known World Children's Fete at Pennsic XLI
Some of you may have already received this from me. I'd like you to
forward to all and sundry youth friendly people. Jacintha
Volunteers needed for the Knowne World Children's Fete at Pennsic XLI (41)
Greetings from Atlantia!
Good gentles, please join us for a day of friendship and jubilee on
Wednesday, August 8th from 1 to 4 pm in the Barn for the Known World
Children's Fete.
As in previous years, the Fete will have a variety of arts and crafts,
ongoing activities and live performances to amuse and delight. We may be
having some activities that involve water, so please make sure your
young ones are dressed appropriately. There will be light snacks and
drinks available for children and their parents.
The Fete is designed for children ages four and up. Children ages four,
five and six must have an adult (or teen who is at least 14 years old)
remain with them throughout the festivities. Older children should be
checked on periodically by parents or guardians to ensure their safety
and suitable behavior.
Parents and guardians please note that if your child has food allergies
or other health issues that they are unable to manage or if they may not
leave the party unescorted, you should remain with your child at the
Fete. Due to the large numbers of children that attend the Fete,
organizers cannot be responsible for these issues. The parent or
guardian's location during the party must be given as children come
through check-in at the Fete. We ask that children do not bring personal
articles with them while attending the Children's Fete, as the
organizers will not be responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
Volunteers are Always Needed!
Each year, on the Wednesday of War Week, we celebrate the youth of the
Society by providing younger members a fun filled afternoon at Pennsic
War. However, the party cannot take place without the generous
volunteers who give of their time and energy each year.
We can never have too many people helping. Volunteers should arrive at
the barn at 12:30pm.
We are also requesting Fete volunteers to wear pink during the Fete in
honor of Duchess Arielle the Golden, the founder of the Known World
Children's Fete.
If you would like to help, or need additional information, you may
contact: Duchess Isabel Grimault at (706) 399-9310, no calls after 10
PM, or duchessisabel at yahoo.com <mailto:duchessisabel%40yahoo.com>, or at
Pennsic please leave a message at Strawberry Fields (B6). You may also
contact Lady Jacintha of Highland Foorde at
hfyouth at highlandfoorde.atlantia.sca.org
<mailto:hfyouth%40highlandfoorde.atlantia.sca.org>, (301) 520-9595, no
calls after 9 PM, or at Pennsic at Finis Terra (B09) or Highland Foorde
We are seeking the help of volunteers with this year's Known World
Children's Fete at Pennsic. The Fete will be on August 8, 2012 from
1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Barn. If you can sing a song, dance a jig, paint
a face, smile and laugh a lot, color a picture, have fun or any sort of
other activities, then we could use you! We are truly in need of
individuals or groups that can offer their time to run and/or sponsor
activities (arts and crafts, games, dancing, supplies, prizes, etc.).
Some of the popular activities are:
. Face painting
. Foam sword play (We need human pells who die well!)
. Storytellers
. Jugglers
. Puppeteers
We are also looking for volunteers to:
. Assist with the sign-in for the children.
. Persons to help ensure the other volunteers are getting water and
other refreshments.
. Fete security to ensure registration/sign-in and safety.
. Assistance with set-up and/or break-down.
You do not have to be there for the entire 3 hours... but any help you
may offer would be greatly appreciated. We have had as many as 400
children in attendance, and more every year! The Fete is great fun. If
you want action and excitement, this is the place for you!
If you cannot physically volunteer at the Fete but you, your household,
Barony or local group would still like to help in some way... maybe
sponsoring an activity will be the best way for you to assist us in
having a wonderful Fete.
Please continue to encourage and promote participation in the Children's
Fete! If you will be at Pennsic, but you had not previously volunteered
with the Children's Fete this year, we are asking you to please
reconsider. We would love to show the support of all Atlantians - and
SCAdians as a whole, at the fete this year.
Thank you for your time, effort and consideration in this matter and the
fete as a whole! Please contact me offline if you are interested in
volunteering or sponsoring and activity please contact me at
duchessisabel at yahoo.com <mailto:duchessisabel%40yahoo.com> for more details.
Yours in Honor & Service to the Youth,
Duchess Isabel Grimault
Known World Children's Fete Coordinator, Pennsic 41
duchessisabel at yahoo.com <mailto:duchessisabel%40yahoo.com>
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