[Ansteorra] to artisans of Ansteorra.

Debora Marzec deboramarzec at aol.com
Sun Jun 24 16:19:35 PDT 2012

Laurel's Prize Tourney will be August 25th and I would like to announce that I will be handing out small prizes to those who will be displaying games, game pieces etc.
There will be four categories; Children under 12, Youth under 20, and for adults, item/s made in the last year, and any item/s made at any time. I would like to see some documentation, along the lines of who, what, when, and how, although I would be very pleased to see more in depth information.

Don't think your craft lends itself to game making? Game pieces were made from bone, ivory, antler, clay, wood, glass, rock crystal, metal etc. Boards were made from wood, concrete, polished stone, etc plus numerous grafitto boards were found inscribed into/onto many other objects. Other games such as those played with balls, shuttlecocks, dice, pick up sticks, playing cards, etc are also welcome. If in doubt, or need ideas etc please contact me as I more than willing to help anyone with this endeavor.

I very much hope that you will consider something games related for your next project.

Debora of Durham. OL. (Games).

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