[Ansteorra] Conversation starter...

Susan O'Neal catmafia03 at gmail.com
Mon May 14 15:01:18 PDT 2012

On 5/14/12, Tina Michael <tinabetta at gmail.com> wrote:
>   How did you get involved in the SCA?

Delightful story.

I was in a homeschool group with Shirley Roper and she said she
thought that the SCA would be a great place for all of Kit's interests
in one place, she was 12 at the time.  Shirley, Zenobia, had been
active in the SCA before and I was thrilled to see her active again
during the time I was Hospitaller.  Our first populace we met Mistress
Talana when we got there and she told us all about the SCA.  After the
meeting I told my mom about how much we enjoyed it and how it was like

Susan the Curious

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