[Ansteorra] Ravensfort Artisan Equestrian Quest and Activities

Elizabeth Crouchet elizabeth at crouchet.com
Thu Aug 29 09:23:35 PDT 2013

Greetings All!

Ravensfort Artisan is nearly upon us: September 21!

Yes, there will be an Equestrian Contest with prizes to be won!

BUT each entrant into the Equestrian contest must also enter the Artisan
contest OR be sponsored by an Artist’s entry. A single artist may enter up
to two items and so may only sponsor up to two contestants.  Every
contestant in each venue, not just the Equestrians, must be sponsored by an
artist for the day. So if you are not planning to enter the Artisan contest
yourself then you should start shopping for your Artisan sponsor now!!!!

This  will be a full day of Equestrian fun!!

In the morning, after court there will be a Mounted Quest  that will test
your skills and those of your horse, too. Flare, panache and attitude will
all help you to score points along the way.

Some challenges you may expect will include some or all of the
following:  banner
carry, collecting items in hand, Saracen heads, tarp crossing, stick a pig,
drag a squire, a backing up challenge,  and of course some ladies to
impress!  So start practicing now!!!

During or after the lunch break the Youth would like to come and meet some
of the horses and learn a bit about them.  Let us know if you and you mount
would like to participate.

After that we can spend the afternoon playing Buzkashi.  The new Society
Rules for Buzkashi should be out by then so we can play test them and send
feedback on our experiences.

The site is the traditional Stones of Ravensfort. The site is primitive.
There are some stalls or stall options available; if you need one, contact
the event staff to reserve one or take one on a first come first served
basis.  Being primitive, it is advisable that you bring a supply of water
for you and your horses.  Some water may be available on site but there is
not a guarantee.

Of course you will need to show current proof of negative Coggins to the
EqMiC before you unload. You will need to keep that paperwork where it can
be presented on demand to any recognized authority.

Please sound off on one of the lists to let us know if you think you will
be attending and with how many horses. This lets us make plans and schedule
as well as look forward to see you and your noble steeds!

Claire and Lance

Ravensfort Equestrian Champion team

And this Ravensfort Artisan’s Ravensquest Coordinator

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