[Ansteorra] [Wiesenfeuer] Wiesenfeuer Yule MoC Activity Schedule and volunteering request...

Kajira Camber kajiracamber at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 06:48:43 PST 2013

(Since we are having peerage circle and investiture, forwarding on to
Northern/Ansteorra Lists-sorry for bandwidth)
Wow, that looks like a great day and experience for the youth.  I do want
to touch on the 'please volunteer'... I have seen MoC's get burned (either
just for an event or for their whole office) due to SOME people feeling
that the MoC activities is a 'day care' for children.  Please remember,
this is a learning environment that allows children to socialize with other
SCA children and not be so bored so the adults can have their fun too.

In some places it is expected that if you leave your children, that you
donate at least 15 minutes per child (because the more children, the more
hands needed).  We don't enforce this (because some people have meetings or
full schedule and some people stay for hours), but please take the time to
help if you can so we don't have to in the future.

One plead-please go back and look at how the adults look a few times during
the day.  If they have a few more gray hairs than what you remember at the
start of the day, offer to help...even if they don't have your child in
their care.  15 minutes is enough time to allow them to take a walk or
empty their bladder :-D

Thanks for everything you guys do, the MoC is something that takes
tremendous patience (hence...I have no children...lol)
Kajira Camber

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Ithilin Palandiriel <
ithilinpalandriel at yahoo.com> wrote:

> 10am-12pm  Youth A&S Class (Items the children make will be displayed for
> Populace Vote)
> 12pm -1pm Lunch Break    ( Parents Please pick up your smalls for this
> period. Thank you!)
> 1pm-3pm Youth Subtlety class (Subtletys will be displayed for Populace
> Vote)
> 3pm-4pm ish Youth Bardic competition.
> Parents, Please retrieve your smalls as close to 4 as possible to allow my
> minions and I to clean the room.  Also, If your smalls have special needs
> please consider having one parent stay with them as I am not equipped to
> give them the attention they need with so many other children in my care.
> Due to Bad weather coming in this weekend, I have decided to not go ahead
> with our Subtlety Siege this year since I don't want Smallcicles on my
> hands.  Perhaps next year.
> If you have any awesome youth flavored trinkets (A&Sish, Bardicy, yummy
> goodies) to donate to the children's prize baskets Please contact me off
> list or just find me at Yule and my Minions will help get it in the
> appropriate basket.
> Any and all help will never be turned away as I have a minor injury that
> is making lifting difficult this year.  Please consider volunteering to
> help with the children even if it's for only 15 minutes. Thank you!
> Yours, In service to children and the Kingdom,
> Ly. Liadan of Patrin-Or
> Wiesenfeuer MoC
>  __._,_.___

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