[Ansteorra] was: on leaving the SCA--going forward

Maria Bulgarelli scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 5 20:31:54 PST 2013

LOL I think the whole point on that comment, Damon, is that there aren't that 
many companies hiring.  

I know how everyone feels.  I work in a seasonal business.  For 3.5 months I'm 
VERY flush with money.  After that, I'm on unemployment and scraping to pay my 
cell phone bill.  It sucks.  I find some money to pay for events.  Luckily I can 
use my father's gas credit card for gas or I'd be stuck at home as soon as the 
gas ran out.  But I'm lucky.  I have my parents who will help me out.  Not 
everyone has someone who can help out.  I can understand how people have to say, 
"it's either dinner for a few days or an event."  I've seen some of those PSA's 
on the local lists here in Houston.  

I've seen some mention of other reasons.  Personally, I almost never went to a 
second SCA event because of one stupid woman in the Philadelphia area.  I like 
to call these people "Authenticity Mavens" rather than the other word.  But the 
effect is the same.  If someone is nice when they tell a newbie that their garb 
could be better, then that's fine.  But as a hospitaler, I have told people that 
they need to make an ATTEMPT at pre 1600's clothing.  They don't have to have 
the perfect garb.  Yes I understand that some people have the problem with the 
cell phones and modern conversations.  But then we give walkie talkies to our 
autocrat and others so they can get in contact with each other at events.  It's 
a safety concern.  And it works.  But the other thing everyone has to remember 
is that to some of us (like me) this is a game and we need this outlet because 
of stress in our lives.  I've seen mention of not wearing garb to meetings.  
Most of us come to meetings directly from work.  I'm sorry, but I'm NOT going to 
wear garb to work or bring garb to change into at work.  It's not professional.  
So I wear street clothes.  It's also a problem to wear garb when I'm not working 
because frankly, I don't have all that much garb.  I just don't have the time to 
make it when I have the money and when I have the time, I don't have the money.  

I'm not trying to make excuses.  I'm giving facts.  Plain facts.  It's just not 
always feasible.  

I think what we need to do is let each person play their "game".  And not worry 
about what everyone else says.  

Lady Elizabeta Maria dei Medici
MKA - Maria Bulgarelli

 "... Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess.  They always 
run out of other people's money."
-- Margaret Thatcher, February 5, 1979, Thames Television, "This Week"

From: Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner <BurgBorrendohl at valornet.com>
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tue, February 5, 2013 8:20:52 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra] was: on leaving the SCA--going forward

One of the most common threads is employment.  Where are the PSA's (Public 
Service Announcements) to the list?  If you know of a company that is hiring, 
please go 'off topic' and list them.  That's what networking is all about.  In 
that spirit:

FlightSafey has openings in Austin for machine operators to make mirrors for 
flight simulation.  If you are a lurker on the NK list or Northern regional 
list, the Tulsa office has more than twenty openings.  Can we do our friends 
favors by letting them know of possible jobs?

We have let people know in Calontir of openings in their areas. Let's support 
each other.  I know Northkeep has been doing this for awhile.  Yeah, it's not a 
'period' topic, but this is the internet and we care about our friends.  Prefer 
not to discuss around campfires and at feast or court :-) .

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