[Ansteorra] Ideas to help Society

Irena Fridenberg rubberduckiemom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 11:19:16 PST 2013

I completely agree with Tina.  I believe the technology of today's
world is starting to harm some aspects of our society.  If you look at
events you will see many people with their smartphones out taking
photos, videos and phone calls.  There seems to be a lack of
consideration for the atmosphere we want to achieve.

Because of this issue I am seeing many reasons for our lower event
attendance.  I would like to address two of this issues: lack of
courtesy and the non-event eventer.  Please know when I use the word
"Society" I am meaning the SCA.

Our modern society has lost most of the idea of courtesy and it has
flowed into the SCA. We, modern society, are a "me, me, me" and a "I
want it now" group. I feel, because of this, we do not care about
putting others out as long as we are given pleasure ourselves. I know
I am guilty of pulling out my phone to take notes during court, photos
to share with friends, and text to let others know who has received
what awards.  Even though I am doing it for a good cause and can use
the excuse "if they had these during the middle ages, they would have
used them" is harming the atmosphere more than helping our Society.

Our Society needs to work on hiding the modern conveniences, if not
leaving some of them at home. Granted, I am not willing to leave the
flush toiletry, air conditioning and running water at home; however, I
can leave the Kindle, the radio, CD player or laptop at home. If I
feel I just have to have them with me, I should either leave them
locked in the car or find ways to disguise them. There are many ways
to make a special covering for the Kindle, Nook, or iPad.  Etsy.com
has many books converted or wooden boxes to be used as a disguise for
your modern conveniences. Not only does it help to give atmosphere,
but it will help take your mind off the modern.

The second thing I suggest is an issue for our lower attendance is
what I call the non-event eventer.  Because of issues such as lack of
funds, work schedule, being busy we have many people who are not able
to attend.  The good thing about the modern technology is that those
who can't attend events are able to attend through photos, live video
feeds, and Facebook.  However, because of these we do not feel we need
to attend events to be "there".  So why even make the trip?  Why spend
the time packing and preparing to spend three days and two nights
without our comforts of home when we can get all the latest news asap
because others are posting everything as soon as it happens. This is
causing us to not feel a NEED of being there.   It is easier to stay
in contact with our friends on Facebook when we originally were able
to see them at events.

Why not stop posting immediate information, photos and live
videos/video feed of events until after events?  I use to regret
missing an event, but now I know I can click a link and get
up-to-the-minute stimulation enabling me to feel as if I am part of
the event and never have to attend. Let's call people out (politely)
when they are being discourteous with the modern items at events, park
the cars in the proper parking lot, and teach-encourage-provide items
to help make the event atmosphere better.  I believe if we work on
these things it will help bring people back.  It isn't the whole
answer, but it might be a start.

In service,
Lady Katrine la Escolpiera

Tina Michael <tinabetta at gmail.com> wrote:

It reminds me of the movie Wall-e, where everyone is so dependant on the
technology they had forgotten how to live and enjoy living. I am kind of a
technophobe, even though I am using it now, teehee, I hate it. I don't keep
my cell phone stapled to me at events and never want to be that
"connected". I come to events to disconnect from the modern world and
retreat to a simpler time where we were more in touch with the world and
the people in it. We have gotten so used to communicating with each other
through technology we are losing the ability to relate personally. Very
sad, don't you think?

old fashioned girl

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