[Ansteorra] Question in general

James Crouchet james at crouchet.com
Tue Jul 23 21:59:31 PDT 2013

I like starting with the overall view.  A Peer should be someone who is a
leader and a mentor in their community, who promotes their field of
interest, who introduces new people to their interest and brings in new
techniques. They should be an important part of the glue that holds the SCA
together.  They should be well rounded enough to be an interface between
their area(s) or interest and the rest of the SCA. They should be one of
the people making sure things get done.   We should be able to call on them
in a pinch and depend on them when they take on a task.

After that, IMO their area of interest should only matter in that it is one
area where they need to show excellence and deep knowledge.  That is not
the reality in the SCA at present, but I consider that a flaw in the system.

IMO, especially in the fighting arts, we too often elevate people who do
not meet these standards because they kick so much butt on the field.
Essentially, embarrassing others into voting for them.  God forbid we
should have a Queens Champion who is not a WS or a King who is not a
Knight.  Yet, we have and we survived.  I would imagine there is a parallel
in A&S and service but I have not been able to observe that as directly.


PS -- No, I'm not talking about anyone in particular.  In my 30 years in
the SCA I have seen PLENTY of examples.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Rick Drake <ainarm at cox.net> wrote:

> Would like some feedback from the non-peers out there.   As a general
> question, what do you see as the requirements for membership into the
> various peerage circles.  You can leave out that a Knight needs to be a
> good
> fighter, assume that part.  But what kind of service counts toward being a
> Pelican.  What level of service is needed?  What kind of art does a Laurel
> need to do?  What are those nebulous Peer Like Qualities that people talk
> about?
> I am asking the non-peers for this feedback because it has recently been
> brought to my personal attention that we may not be recognizing service
> when
> we should and that this can discourage new people.  So I hear from other
> peers what they think their standards are.  For those of you trying to get
> into the circles, what do you see as what you need to accomplish to get
> there?
> Master Ainar Magnusson OP
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