[Ansteorra] Question in general

Rick Drake ainarm at cox.net
Fri Jul 19 12:05:23 PDT 2013

Would like some feedback from the non-peers out there.   As a general
question, what do you see as the requirements for membership into the
various peerage circles.  You can leave out that a Knight needs to be a good
fighter, assume that part.  But what kind of service counts toward being a
Pelican.  What level of service is needed?  What kind of art does a Laurel
need to do?  What are those nebulous Peer Like Qualities that people talk

I am asking the non-peers for this feedback because it has recently been
brought to my personal attention that we may not be recognizing service when
we should and that this can discourage new people.  So I hear from other
peers what they think their standards are.  For those of you trying to get
into the circles, what do you see as what you need to accomplish to get


Master Ainar Magnusson OP

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