[Ansteorra] PENNSIC pre registration closes in 3 weeks

Adrienne Ferrell aferrell at greatambience.com
Mon May 20 17:11:46 PDT 2013


Only 3 weeks left to pre-registration for Pennsic. Pre-registration closes Sunday, June 9th,2013  Go tohttps://www.cooperslake.com/prereg/home/index.php     Pennsic dates are July 19 – August 3. This year Pennsic is ending on SATURDAY, not Sunday.

  If you are planning to camp with Ansteorra, you need to preregister using Ansteorra Populace as your group. This will give us more land for those who are unable to preregister, but would like to camp with Ansteorra. I will move as many people as I can into the "kingdom of Ansteorra" gets a fixed amount of land for the kingdom, not a per person square footage.  We get a per person square foot allowance in "populace of Ansteorra".

If you would like to camp with Ansteorra, you MUST contact me, there is information we need to exchange.


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