[Ansteorra] Rapier Spear Experiment

Pieter Rausch donpieter at aol.com
Fri May 31 10:11:53 PDT 2013

The following experiment was read into law at Warlord. It should be published in the Blackstar shortly. 
Don Pieter

Ansteorran Rapier Spear Authorization Experiment
From Their Royal Majesties Lochlan & Gwen:
By Our Royal Edict, All Spear Type Rapier Weapons Are Hereby Deemed Experimental in theKingdom of Ansteorra for a Minimum Period of Three Months (date ending 08/31/2013) and are No Longer Allowed in General Ansteorran Tournaments or Melees Except as Follows.
The Kingdom of Ansteorra will for a minimum period of 3 months have an experiment on possibly requiring a separate authorization for spear type weapons on the rapier field. The experiment will be overseen by the Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal for Experimental Weapons (DKRMEW) under the direction of the Kingdom Rapier Marshal (KRM).
All fighters and marshals in this experiment must hold an Ansteorran authorization for both rapier combat and rapier marshaling.
Marshaling SE combat
There will be a 1 marshal (or more) to 2 fighter ratio at all times thru-out this experiment.
During single combat an authorized marshal must actively watching a set of fighters.
During Melee periods there must be at least 1 marshal for every two spear fighters on the field in the area where the SE fighters are in addition to any other required marshals
Rapier Spears shall not be used in official tournaments during the experiment phase unless agreed upon and inspected by each fighter.
Rapier Spears shall not be used in official melee during the experiment phase unless announced prior to lay-on and inspected by any fighter that wishes to.
Anyone may refuse to face this weapon in tournament.
In melee the MiC will make final decision. All requests for or against the use of this weapon in the melee should be brought to the MiC prior to the start of the melee. An announcement will be made by the MiC prior to "lay-on" that this weapon is on the field.
After each practice or event that SE is done those participating in the SE should contact the RMSE and advise them of the number of fighters that used the weapon, who they were, any positives, or problems, etc within 48 hours.
If an injury happened or weapon failure or breakage the present marshal has 12 hours to contact the RMSE. The RMSE has 12 hours from FMSE contact to advise the DKRMEW of that injury or weapon failure in addition to any regularly required reporting. Regular reporting by the RMSE will be no later than the last day of the month. The DKRMEW will report all injuries and weapons failures to the KRM within 12 hours of the report. Regular informal reporting will be done to the KRM by the DKRMEW and a written period end report will be submitted. Marshals that do not follow these reporting rules can be removed from the program entirely by the DKRMEW.
Standard Ansteorran Rapier armor will be worn by all fighters involved with contact by the experimental spear weapon.
Kills with this experiments spear will be standard calibration and are point only, no strikes or cuts.
Use of the experimental spear:
If killed in melee the fighter will hold the spear vertical with one hand and the other hand on the top of their head indicating they are dead and remove the weapon from the field.
Holding the weapon:
The weapon shall be allowed to be gripped at any part of the shaft except the butt end or blade. At no point will the back hand grip or cup the butt end of the shaft (AKA Harpooning).
No "T"handles or shovel handles will be allowed.
Marking the weapon:
The weapon will be marked with the "experimental" colors of red and green stripes at the point on the shaft at the top where the blade connects to the shaft.
The tip of the blade will also be stripped with red and green tape.
Materials for making the Spear:
Shaft: 1.25" diameter shaved rattan is the only material allowed for the shaft. The shaft may be between 5'-6' in length.
Can be purchased from Munition Grade Arms on FB @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Munitions-Grade-Arms/117157058298448 or any other shaved rattan supplier. MGA will Cut to Length.
The blades being allowed at this time are all Ansteorran legal dagger blades except the Darkwood Heavy Dagger Blade.
They must also have at least the Ansteorra min of 1/2'' of flex with 6oz weight for blades under 18'' using the standard flex test.
Making the spear:
We will not limit the method of attaching the blade to the shaft at this time to open the creation of the "best method" other than the following.
Basic requirements:
Dagger must have a tang which must be in the shaft.
Tape or banding must be wrapped around the shaft as far down as the tang is in. This should assist in keeping the rattan from "expanding". This tape or banding should be covered with the red/green.
Please play safely and err on the side of caution in both construction and use of this weapon
Contact information for Experiment
Don Pieter  DKRMEW donpieter at aol.com
Dona Amelot KRM rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org

Sent from my iPad

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