No subject

Wed Apr 9 15:39:36 PDT 2014

like they stepped off the pages of a history book to those with the most
basic costumes, there is indeed something for everyone.

I'm sure there are also a variety of more enjoyable funding options as well.
While perhaps not as abundant as other aspects of the Kingdom, there are
those that have been barely whispered.  From the local event auction to a
regularly sponsored Kingdom event.

I'm not sure that simply increasing the overhead of the event and passing
those costs on to our brothers and sisters is the best way.  It does,
however, appear to be the easiest.

one person

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Tucker" <michaelt at>
To: <ansteorra at>
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] When did this change????

> Greetings from Michael Silverhands:
> Thank you, Master Ansgar, for your comments. As usual, yours is a calm
> voice of reason.
> I've passed on the comments and discussion from this list to Lord
> Stefan, the Kingdom Chronicler. If you wish to contact him about this,
> feel free to do so. Here's my understanding of the situation:
> Bottom line, the Black Star still needs to make some income from the
> Kingdom. The stipend is enough for (occasional) "skinny" issues, but
> doesn't cover (more common) "fat" issues. If there is no income for the
> Black Star, it will be back in the red again before you know it.
> If groups are allowed to spread their 3 free pages out over an entire
> year, instead of tying them to a single event, most groups will probably
> budget their pages (one here, one there...) so they don't pay any fees
> to the Black Star, even if they are running up to 3 events per year.
> That's good for the groups, but bad for the Black Star. Sooner or later
> it comes out of the Kingdom's coffers, one way or another. It's better
> to charge a pay-as-you-go fee, than have to resort to fund raisers or
> borrowing from the Kingdom (again).
> The current policy (3 free pages for one event per group per year)
> doesn't cost small groups (or any group, for that matter) who only run
> one calendar event per year.
> My own two cents: if a group has the wherewithal to run multiple
> calendar events in a year, then it has the wherewithal to pay $50 or
> $100 for publication fees to help subsidize their Kingdom's newsletter.
> If not... then what are they doing running that many calendar events?
> [To clarify a point that someone raised: calendar events must be listed
> in the official calendar that's published in the Black Star, and they
> must ALSO be published in the Black Star. A certain minimum set of
> information must be published, including the hosting group, the date,
> and the location. Although this could be achieved in Notes and
> Challenges (as one person suggested), in general you end up needing a
> full page with graphics (to show, for example, a map to the site).
> Non-calendar events do not have any of these restrictions. You can even
> hold court, you just can't grant armigerous awards or conduct any other
> "business of lasting significance" (such as read changes into Kingdom
> Law).]
> We have way too many calendar events in this kingdom, in my opinion.
> Does every group *really* need to run that many? Could we not have
> fewer, but higher-quality, events in this kingdom? (Lionesse Tourney,
> and Tournament of the Nine Worthies are two events that come to mind.
> Elfsea Defender, with its culture camps, is another.) Could we not
> forego the desire to have every event we have be a calendar event?
> Small, "just  for fun" events could just as well be non-calendar events,
> in my personal opinion. For example, Loch Yule Revel is a wonderful
> event (one of my favorite events in all the kingdom), and is a
> non-calendar event.
> Yours,
> Michael Silverhands
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