[Ansteorra] A public thank you.

Ledonna Mcgowan ledmcgowan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 16:00:40 PDT 2014

 Greetings unto the populace of the Fair Kingdom of Ansteorra,
I, Delphina de Champeaux, would like to publicly thank those involved with
my vigil last weekend. I know that I will miss someone and that my words
are not enough to truly express my thankfulness but they are what they are
and I will try.  It took all of you to help make a most perfect day for me.
Thank you. Bia, thank you for organizing the details and logistics and for
making sure that I kept calm and hydrated. Nicolla, thank you for a
beautiful dress to wear and for organizing the food, it was a bountiful
spread of tastiness and delight.  To everyone who brought something so that
Avelyn and I could offer the best refreshments to our guests, you are
wonderful, thank you all. To those who worked on banners, herald tabards
and decorations, great job.  It was the little things that made the day.  To
my take down crew: Zeke, Aodhan, Hrefna, Rolf, Etienne, Davy, and everyone
else who helped (most of it was a blur of motion),  you were amazing.  One
minute everything was up and looking great and the next it was in the

Magge MacPherson, thank you for your time in making the coif with the
wonderful embroidery, it is perfect! Stella your medallion is gorgeous and
I will treasure it always.  Truly, thank you for making me a most beautiful
hat and thank you Bia and Etienne for gifting it to me.   Rhi, thank you
for reading the story behind the laurel wreath, I feel that it added so
much to the ceremony.

To those who spoke for me.  I asked to be surprised, so Radegund arraigned
those who would speak for me and what a joyous surprise it was.  Master
Tristan, Sir Karl, Duchess Julia and Master Robert your words were amazing
and I am truly blessed by them.  Thank you for speaking for me.

To those in my procession, you may not know this but there were reasons
behind each of you being asked.  Snorri, you are a fantastic entertainer
and herald, thank you for your voice, monkey jokes and "ham".  Connor, I
wanted you to carry my banner not only because we have great conversations
but also because you represent the best of Loch Soilleir so very well.  Your
Grace Julia and Your Excellency Sara, like all of the Roses, you inspire me
to be better than myself with the graciousness and poise you show to
everyone.  Hrefna, you are a titled artisan yourself and one of my lace
students, thank you for carrying Stargate’s Titled Artisan’s banner for me.
Clark, my god son, I entrusted you with a joy of my life; music.  You took
very good care of the recorder, thank you.

Nicolla, the pillow case you carried is my favorite piece.  The technical
part of that lace helped me grow more than any other single piece of lace I
have made.  Bia, I asked you to carry the feather of gold lace because you
are always there for me, no matter what. Much like the helm (from where the
feather was inspired) guards the jouster, you always make sure that I am
safe and healthy.  Davy, you are my rock, my foundation and my greatest
supporter.  I love you.  Thank you for being who you are.

Etienne, you had faith in me long before I ever did, when you took me as a
cadet, those many years ago, it helped me see that there were things that I
could do, some of which I never dreamt possible.  I was able to look
outside myself and strive for more.  When my eye no longer allowed me to
fight, you encouraged me to go on and be more than I thought I could.  Thank

Radegund, thank you for your belief and your vision, you too saw something
in me that I had a hard time seeing. Your counsel, advice, patience and
advocacy were and are a treasure to me that are beyond any words.  Thank
you for taking care of all the details that were needed to see me through
Saturday.  Thank you for the beautiful medallion and coif/wreath.  Thank
you for your time and caring.  Thank you for being my laurel.

I remain in service,

Mistress Delphina de Champeaux

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