[Ansteorra] May Day Tiny Tourney

Helene Dalassene helene.dalassene at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 07:01:07 PDT 2014

Greetings to all reading theses words,

Please join the Barony of Bryn Gwlad as we celebrate the SCA birthday!

On Tuesday, April 29, we will hold a Tiny Tourney during our regularly
scheduled Populace In The Park.

Both chiv and rapier fighters are encouraged to come and vie for glory and

Bring all your favorite weapons!! Each round will be determined by die
roll. If you decide you want to change the weapon style, you may pay a
forfeit to the Baron and Baroness by performing a tiny bardic piece.  Your
selected piece may be a song, a poem, interpretive dance, or other
performance style. The piece must be acceptable to Their Excellencies.

Please consider bringing snacks to help celebrate our birthday, and join us
for fun and blam.

In service to Country and Crown,
Helene Dalassene

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