[Ansteorra] Elfsea Defender taverns wanted

Michael Gunter dookgunthar at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 8 17:10:21 PST 2014

Greetings Y'all,
This upcoming Elfsea Defender is going to be Grand, Huge, Magnificent, Oversized, Amazing, and Even More Big Words!Because of all of this Awesomeness, people will be there. LOTS of people.PEOPLE want food.
And, if you cook food for fun and profit, WE want YOU!
There is a lot of space for taverns and food stands with electricity and water and we could use providers from Friday to Sunday.  Though there is a feast scheduled it is of limited seating so a lot of folk will not want to make the long, dusty trip to town when there are tasty temptations served right there on site.
So, if you are inclined to offer food and drink to a grateful and paying populace, please contact me off list to be like The Doctor and arrange Space and Time. It also helps if you have a food stand that is bigger on the inside even though we will offer lots of sprawl space.
C'mon, you KNOW you want to.
Dook Gunthar Jonsson, (L)O.L.Elfsea Food Coordinator 		 	   		  

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