[Ansteorra] 30 Days Left for Competitors in Steppes Artisan to Register!

Emma Haldan via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 8 06:43:44 PDT 2014

Those wishing to compete in the 27th Steppes Artisan competition have 30 more days to register! 


Remember, there's plenty to do and see at Artisan, even if you're not competing. There's the rapidly becoming famous brownie baking competition, pick-up fighting, a potluck, a bake sale, a Pelican meeting, the vigil and elevation of Kajira Camber to the Order of the Laurel, and a great chance to hang out with friends and family while learning about some of the amazing Arts being practiced in Ansteorra. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

HL Emma Haldan, Steward
Lady Gabriele de Bernard, Co-Steward

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