[Ansteorra] changes to crown entrance laws

Hillary Greenslade via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Jun 13 14:45:46 PDT 2014

Interesting read, thanks for sharing Willow.   
I think it's important to record, remember and share why Ansteorra has done some of the things we have setup as our standards, sometimes different from our parent kingdom or others.   
In many cases there were causes for why things were/are done the way they are in this kingdom and new generations need to be reminded of our histories from time to time.   
When I was first in the SCA, lo many years ago, an SCA'ers turnaround was generally from 7-10 years, later it dropped to 5 and more recently, I'm told a new generation is 3 years, where you get a new group of newbies to educate on how the SCA works (not sure if 3 years means how long newcomers will play and stay with us before moving on to some other activity).

Either way, thanks to those who keep our Ansteorran history alive.  

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