[Ansteorra] Bryn Gwlad Baronial Thank You's

Alianorra MacKkye via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Nov 3 17:22:17 PST 2014

Thank You too all who helped make the children's Trick o' Treat a success! Parents for bringing your children, volunteers who handed out goodies, including those I pressed into being a candy location last minute. The children had a blast! Thanks to my volunteers!

Thank you for those who helped with Saturday's Ladies Solar! 

Lady Brigitta von Eisenach, Veronica Pigg, Lady Cecily MacBean, Don Tivar Moondragon, Sir Liam Gordon, Mistress Xene, Lord Thorkell Bjarnarson, and Baroness Claire for stepping in and helping with everything from cooking, to set up, clean up, and tear down. 

We had so many people stop by and partake in the hospitality provided, it helped make the day entertaining and fun! This couldn't have happened without all your help, Thank you!

Vivat Bryn Gwlad! 

Lady Alianorra MacKkye

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