[Ansteorra] New Comer info on Websites

Jerry Herring via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Nov 13 14:43:30 PST 2014

This is the Kingdom Hospitaler, I would like to suggest that each group
review your web sites to make sure they have a clearly labeled and easy to
find newcomer section. For some new people that web site may be their first
or second point of contact and having it be accurate and easy to navigate
could be important.  Maybe that new comer area on the group page will have
a nice welcoming message, a link to email the local hospitaler or for
groups missing a hospitaler the seneschal, maybe that new comer section
will have a link to the local calendar, and it might even have a link to
the SCA Newcomer's portal at: http://welcome.sca.org

What ever format your group chooses please take the time to update your
sites with current contacts so that we can make sure new people are able to
easily find their way to the SCA!

Ian Dun Gillan
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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