[Ansteorra] Kingdom Missile Marshal position is now open

Doug Copley via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 2 18:37:04 PDT 2014

Greetings Ansteorra!

The time has come for me to step down as the Kingdom Missile Marshal for
Ansteorra. During my tenure as KMM I was happy to witness the way the
Missile Community grew in every area. I would like to thank all of my
deputies and all of the local deputies for their efforts. thank you very
much! The last two years have been a lot of fun and a lot of work but it
has been very rewarding.

The Kingdom Missile Marshal is over all Missile activities in the Kingdom,
this includes Target Archery, Combat Archery, Thrown Weapons, and Siege.
This office reports to the Kingdom Earl Marshal. If you would are
interested and would like to apply, please send your application to the
Earl Marshal and myself. Applications will be accepted until October 2nd,

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free
to contact me.

Yours In Service to the Dream and to Ansteorra,
HL Vincenti da Murano

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