[Ansteorra] Archery at Coastal Grand Baronials, May 2

Kaitlyn Mckenna via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Apr 30 05:57:47 PDT 2015

Join the Archery Champions of the Coast for challenging shoots suitable for
both handbows and crossbows to narrow the field for the Championships of
Stargate, Loch Soileir, and Bordermarch, as well as the Grand Champion
beginning following morning court. At least one shoot involves combat
archery bows and ammunition, loaner available. No armor is required. The
shoots may be shot in any order, but please allow ample time prior to 3pm
to complete the preliminary round. Open shooting available pending
competition needs. Limited loaner target equipment available.

In Service,
The Coastal Archery Champions

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