[Ansteorra] Chivalric Experimental Rules Deputy

Dave Wise via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Dec 3 15:44:47 PST 2015

Ooc, do you have a link to which version of the balls you are using?

The VAL Blunt does not use a low rebound rubber, as such it is more
compressible and does not hit as hard. I have made a dozen of these bolts
and shot them many times at targets and at armored volunteers, including
myself. In talking with everyone that has shot them and been shot by them,
we all had the same conclusion: They were very much the same as a Baldar
Blunt, only much cheaper to make. Another difference is that in the latest
testing we used a slightly larger rubber ball so that it completely covers
the front facing of the UHMW. Testing is not complete yet. More bolts have
to be made, testing grills built, weight measurements made, and more
detailed written data needs to be captured.


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