[Ansteorra] Tournament of Champions

Tournament of Champions via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Dec 7 14:51:31 PST 2015

This weekend will mark the first Tournament of Champions!

I hope you are all as excited as I am!!!

Some questions that we've been getting --

All groups that are being represented by a champion welcome to bring as
many goodies for the prize basket as you'd like to bring, but are required
to bring at least one -- regardless of the number of champions that are
representing your group.  By this I mean if a Barony has a champion and so
does their Canton, they are only REQUIRED to provide one gift, but may (of
course) bring more if they'd like.

Remember if your champion is fighting as a champion and not as a Golden
Ticket winner, they will need a letter from the Baron/Baroness or Seneschal
to enter the list.

Site will open at 9am.  The last chance tournament will start at 11am.

The parade for the Tournament of Champions will begin at 2pm.  If you're
planning to fight in the tournament, you will need to be in the parade --
supported by the group you're representing.

Please visit our website (toc.ansteorra.org) for more scheduling details!

See everyone Saturday!

HL Adalia & Ldy Jutte - TOC Autocrats

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