[Ansteorra] Feeding EMT's at Estrella War

Promotions Officer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Dec 10 20:00:17 PST 2015

Greetings Good Gentles All,

It is once again time to show our famous Known World Hospitality during
Estrella War!  Our fabulous EMTs are back to assist us while we enjoy
fighting and frivolity.  We are asking for willing households to host the
*6* EMTs for dinner each evening of the War, as they not only deserve a hot
meal for being our guardian angels, but they also very much enjoy meeting
everyone and learning about why we play in the SCA.  If you are willing to
host a dinner, please contact Mistress Rowan at emsliaison at estrellawar.org
to discuss what evening you would prefer to host.  If you can please

1.   Your SCA Name,

2.  Mundane Name,

3.   Kingdom,

4.  Intended camp location and name

5.  Preferred evening to host,

6.  Your intended menu

 We thank you very much in advance for your generosity!

Yours in Service,

Mistress Rowan

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