[Ansteorra] Crown Tournament Schedule

Elena Wyth via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 6 10:04:32 PST 2015

*Kingdom of Ansteorra*

*Winter Crown Tournament A.S. XLIX*

Friday Schedule

- 4:00pm - Site Opens

Saturday Schedule

- 6:00am - Gate Opens

- 8:00am - Sign in for Lyst entrants &

           Armor Inspection

- 15 minutes before Court -

           Meeting of the Chivalry

- 10:00am - Morning Court

at Their Majesties pleasure

- Grand Procession

immediately following court

- Crown Lyst

Immediately following procession

- 30 Minutes after Lyst Concludes -

Meeting of the Chivalry

- Closing Court

following Meeting of the Chivalry

Sunday Schedule

- 11:00am - Site Closes


- Please do not touch or feed the horses

- Please keep your pets on a leash at all times

- Please be mindful of your trash and take it off-site with you

- Alcohol is welcome—we ask that you consume it responsibly.

- Fires must be contained and we ask that you not leave them unattended.

Additionally, we will have open field space for pick up rapier and
chivalric fighting!

Please let me know if you have any further questions orneed clarification.
I hope to see everyone this weekend!

In service,

Lady Elena Wyth


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