[Ansteorra] Crown List

D Wise via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 6 11:50:30 PST 2015

Oops, I knew there was something I was forgetting ;)
All taken care of.

Greetings Ansteorra,
Today We send great thanks and adoration to those whom seek to become the
next Crown of Ansteorra. We find these men and women more than acceptable to
vie for this honor and We are truly humbled you have answered the call.
We look forward to greeting you all individually this weekend and seeing the
art you bring for display. Remember that an A&S piece is required to enter,
it will be displayed throughout the day, and will be returned at the
conclusion of the Lyst. Again, thank you all for your service in entering
and sacrifice should you be victorious.
Lochlan & Michelle
Rex et Regina Ansteorrae
PS: If you sent a letter of intent in on time and do not see you name on the
list below please let us know of the error so that we may correct it.

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