No subject

Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

My Lord,
I regret to report that the person known as Limbrick Dull has managed to
elude me. We went his place of residence and found him not. A man by the
name of Francis claimed that Limbrick Dull had received a visitor in some
haste and departed from his rooms not more than a quarter glass ahead of our
arrival. Marion questioned Francis most intently and I now have a general
description of the visitor.

Having no initial success in our endeavor, we proceeded to the construction
site of where the Soiled Dove is being built. I have taken it upon myself to
halt the work being done there. A ruffian attempted to interfere and has
received some lumps for it. One of the carpenters named him as Lod. I
released the man in hopes that he would run to Limbrick Dull with the story.
I hope to flush him out of hiding. I have posted the site with several
guards to maintain the peace.

One of my officers has suggested making use of persons from the Bore's
Breast to assist in taking Dull. I believe this would only lead to violence
and we do not need warfare in the city streets and back alleys.

My Lord I ask for your patience and I will deliver this man.

Your Servant,
Duncan MacConacher of Dunheath

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