No subject

Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

"hearsay of awards being given without honor and accusation of people
entering crown tourney dishonorably while knowingly not being able to
finance a reign", and of course, my answer dealt with neither of those
points.   Mostly because I read Hans Kemper's last paragraph as a
continuation of his point, that of "why is there no way to deal with this
situation".  In all honesty it had never occured to me to question the
assertion that some people receive awards unfairly -- it happens in all
sorts of social groups -- especially when the awarding of honors is entirely
a subjective matter.  In nearly 20 years of being in the SCA have I seen it
happen? -- you bet (both people getting awards and awards being killed for
personal reasons).  So what? I figured that by the time I find out about
these things, it's common knowledge.  As for whether people who can not
afford to win Crown actually entering it -- I literally have NO information
on that topic, and so no opinion.

I think I was just set off by the tone of those people who were harping on
about "honor" while knee-jerk attacking someone who was just asking some
uncomfortable questions.  They may not agree with him, and that's fine, but
rather than responding rationally, they are feeding into the whole
implication that there are problems with "honor" in the Society.

"Honor" is a concept that virtually no two people in the Society will define
the same way.  So assuming that people will use the word the same way is a
bad idea.  Personally, I was raised to believe that people of "honor" could
disagree rationally about a topic without having to resort to insults and
attack (and no, -I- don't define myself as a person of honor, so I'm NOT
being a hypocrite here).  I have had it proven to me more times than I can
count, that this is not part of the prevailing definition of "honor" in the
Society.  The concept of "those who aren't with us are against us" leading
to the flame-bearing mob just bothers me -- probably since I've been the
target of such a mob for asking uncomfortable questions in the past (and
probably will be again in the future).


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