No subject

Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

Take your best route to I30 west. Exit Henderson St(HW
199) and follow through downtown Fort Worth, Lake
Worth and just keeeeep going! When you hit Springtown,
get in the left lane and take a LEFT onto Highway 51
(South). Take a RIGHT onto J.L. Woody. Be sure to
watch for it, you can miss it easily. Now, follow J.L.
Woody until you see the Spanish house on the right.
Once you see the Spanish house, about a 1/4 mile on
your left is HUTCHISON HILL RD. Take a LEFT onto
Hutchison Hill Road. Follow Hutchison Hill until you
see the PLAID MAIL BOX. That's 7333 Hutchison Hill.

If you get lost, call 817-220-0333.

I am also planning on setting up a painting session a
little further east for those who do not want to drive
that far. More on that coming up shortly.

See you there!
Lady Eleanor Cleavely

The human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out a tune for a dancing bear, when we hope with our music to move the stars.
- - - Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

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