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Fri May 29 15:34:45 PDT 2015

Leg Aus sent its very best
To fight Estrella's dusty hell.

With Northern Outland allies joined
Our ranks then swelled with warriors true.
Malgwyn paid with silver coin
The Legion paid with salt and food.

Thirteen scouts went to the field
To count the desert dwelling foe,
And when they all refused to yield,
Unto Valhalla they did go.

Our host arrived, surveyed the scene
Of blood and sand all mixed with gore.
We saw we were outnumbered then
By something like eleven score.   (Pretty good counting for a  Norseman)

Artemesian allies by our side,
They charged the foeman with no fear,
But sadly to a man they died
Skewered on Caidian spears.

Aetenveldter's ranks of might
Then threw themselves upon our shields.
Orkneys with their armor bright
Sought to drive us from these fields.

The Huns they fought with all their might
To hold our flank and stem the tide.
But Freya saw a bloody sight
As Aeten foemen crushed our side.

Calantiri warriors brave and strong
Fought with skill and bloody hunger,
But wound up singing their own death song
So badly were we all outnumbered.

As if encircled by the tide
The sable star Crown fought brave and true.
Ansteorran heroes by his side
Many a foeman they then slew.

Their numbers were great and ours much less,
Though we sent scores to a bloody hell.
Our lines were broke in a final press
And in the end our banners fell.

"Rise up!" the valkyrie maidens did cry.
"We saw how valiant you warriors did fall"
"Climb up on our mounts and away we will fly"
"Come with us now to Odin's hall"

Seawinds war-wagon on the sunset road,
DEATH to our western foes.
And this is the song the wheelman sings,

As to Estrella War we go.

(now, you should really take those alkaselters I mentioned)
Sorry, Seawinds!!!

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