[Ansteorra] Ansteorra Marshallate Authorization Expirations

via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri May 1 05:29:23 PDT 2015

The following individuals have authorizations that are recently or are
about to expire:

Dean of Steppes
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Caitlin of Namron
Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Dawn of Ansteorra
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15

Thomas of Steppes
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Jennifer of Northkeep
Armored Combat           : 04/15

Out of Kingdom
Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Out of Kingdom
Rapier Combat            : 05/15

Out of Kingdom
Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Bobby of Elfsea
Armored Combat           : 03/15

Michael of Seawinds
Armored Combat           : 05/15

Juan of Stargate
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Heather of Ravens Fort
Ravens Fort
Rapier Combat            : 04/15

Aedan Seaxwulf
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 04/15

Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Ainar Magnusson
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 05/15

Aingeal Mac an Ghabhann
Loch Ruadh
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Airaklee Wolf
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Alexander O`Kelly
Armored Combat           : 07/15

Alexander Peregrine
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Alexandra Notte Clare
Youth Boffer Marshal     : 06/15
Youth Armored Combat     : 06/15
Youth Armored Combat Marshal: 06/15

Alicia Blackdragon
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Amalia Zavattini
Armored Combat           : 03/15

Andrewe Bawldwyn
Rapier Combat            : 04/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 04/15

Armored Combat           : 08/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/15

Arenvald Kief Av Kierstad
Emerald Keep
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Arias Yanes (De La Villa Lobo)
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Armand de Lacy
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Arthur Blackmoon
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ascelyn of Glentewrde
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Avatar (Albrecht) Catsprey
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15

Ayla Du Val
Ravens Fort
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Baldwin Harper
Siege                    : 07/15

Bran ap Longmus
Armored Combat           : 04/15
Rapier Combat            : 04/15

Brendan McEwan
Rapier Combat            : 04/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 04/15

Armored Combat           : 05/15

Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Brutus Augustus Decimus
Armored Combat           : 04/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 04/15

Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 08/15

Carluccio di Baia
Gates Edge
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Carrick ni Eadbhard
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Cathal Finn O`Briain
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Charles d` Alsace
Ravens Fort
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Cian Rhys Gravenor
Combat Archery Marshal   : 07/15
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Cionandl O` Hosey
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Colete Marie Devereaux
Siege                    : 03/15

Colleen OKelly
Armored Combat Marshal   : 04/15

Conal O`Riordain
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal

Corvin di Fenarro
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Corwin von Xanten
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Cristyana Lambrecht
Siege                    : 04/15

Daire de Hays
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Dalla Dughalla
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Dallan of the Loch
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat           : 04/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 04/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 04/15

Daniel O` Niallagain
Youth Boffer2            : 07/15
Youth Boffer3            : 07/15
Youth Boffer Marshal     : 07/15
Youth Boffer Junior Marshal: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Foil : 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Epee : 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Heavy Rapier: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Melee: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Offensive Secondary: 07/15
Youth Rapier Combat Defensive Secondary: 07/15

Rapier Combat            : 07/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15

Diederic Andrieszen
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Donnchad mac Canngan
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat           : 06/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 06/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 06/15
Siege                    : 06/15

Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

D`Alder Camber 
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Eadric Anstapa
Gates Edge
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal

Ebergardis Von Tell
Loch Soilleir
Siege                    : 05/15

Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15

Elric Dracwin
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 05/15

Eoghan Mac Cinatha
Dragonsfire Tor
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Esabella De Sendero
Emerald Keep
Rapier Combat            : 04/15

Faolan an Doire
Eldern Hills
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15

Faolan MacCairbre
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Fearadhach McCongail MecRaudri
Armored Combat           : 06/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 06/15

Fearghus MacKenna
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Fiacha the Blue
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15
Rapier Combat            : 05/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 05/15
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Francois de Lions
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Galen of Bristol
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Geoffrey Tailor
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Georges Le Breton
Gates Edge
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Gera von Roer
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/15

Gerhart Wolfgang DeRote
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Germanicus de Atlan
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Rapier Combat Marshal

Gilyan Clonmacnoise
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 05/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 05/15

Giotto Di Giovanni
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Goldweard of St. Golias
Bryn Gwlad
Siege                    : 04/15

Griffin van Meteren
Emerald Keep
Target Archery Marshal   : 03/15

Gunnarr Haukr
Eldern Hills
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal

Hildabrand von Tiel
Eldern Hills
Rapier Combat Archery    : 05/15

Iaen Mor
Gates Edge
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ian MacBaird
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ingve of York
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Isolde of Mooneschadowe
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Jack Maclear
Rapier Combat            : 06/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 06/15

Jacque the Spink
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Jacques de Saint Amour
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15

Jakob Rottross vin Templin
Loch Soilleir
Rapier Combat            : 05/15

Jamie of Trelac
Dragonsfire Tor
Rapier Combat            : 05/15

Jason Drysdale
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Jason MacPherson
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Jean Paul de Calmont
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Jean Paul de Sens
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Johann Wulfgang von Aus
Rapier Combat            : 07/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15
Cut And Thrust           : 07/15
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

John Drake
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 07/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15
Cut And Thrust           : 07/15

John of Severn
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 03/15
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal but not a current Cut And Thrust
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

John the Bellringer
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ansteorra - Other
Siege                    : 03/15

Kayleb Durh
Ravens Fort
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/15
Siege                    : 08/15
Siege Marshal            : 08/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 08/15
Combat Archery Marshal   : 08/15
Target Archery Marshal   : 08/15
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 08/15

Kevin Keary
Siege                    : 08/15

Khutulun Khiltai
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 06/15

Kibakichi Musashi
Armored Combat           : 04/15

Kolfinna in Kyrra Otarsdottir
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/15
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Lasguaard Aglanar Red Fox
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 07/15

Leonhard von Lowenturm
Out of Kingdom
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Cut And Thrust           : 08/15

Liliana Byrnes
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15
Target Archery Marshal   : 05/15
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Authorizing Marshal but without updated Background Check on file

Lucas Mor Mac Raghnaill
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Marc Antoine de Larue
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Marquet de Hyet
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Martin Malone
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 04/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 04/15

Megan Flower del Wall
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Archery   : 05/15

Michael of Gravesend
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Micolay Haiduk
Gates Edge
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/15

Miguel de Oporto
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Miguel Vaello de Villa Joiosa
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/15

Mihil von Brandenburg
Armored Combat           : 06/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 06/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 06/15
Target Archery Marshal   : 06/15
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 06/15

Modius von Mergentheim
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Nikolai Vladislav
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Olaf Wulfbrandt
Siege                    : 04/15

Olivia de Calais
Armored Combat Archery   : 05/15

Oringr Ketilson
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Ottokar Luther Von Holstine
Chemin Noir
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Owen Longstrider
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal

Patrick Michael Gordonne
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Perrin DuPrie
Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Rapier Combat            : 03/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 03/15

Quintus Aurelius Draconius
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rafe Slater
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Randwolf Dae Griffion MaecBrenach
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 04/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 04/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 04/15

Raum Bullvinne
Armored Combat           : 03/15

Reaven Disraeli
Cut And Thrust           : 05/15

Reis ap Tuder
Rapier Combat            : 04/15

Ricciardo Da Nicolosi
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/15

Robert Westrynneman
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/15
Rapier Combat Archery    : 07/15

Robin of Bjornsborg
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Robin of Gilwell
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Roland Gallent de Chenonceau
Armored Combat           : 05/15

Roland Rathbourne
Rapier Combat            : 04/15

Romanius Scipio Vesperanius
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rouen Tudor
Armored Combat           : 08/15

Ruaidhri Mac Cuileann
Ansteorra - Other
Rapier Combat            : 06/15

Samuel ap Dewi
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Seamus macSiofraigh
Emerald Keep
Armored Combat           : 07/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/15

Sewallis Seward de Shirley
Rapier Combat            : 05/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 05/15

Simonn of Amber Isle
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Stephen Crowley
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Teresa Di Firenze
Loch Soilleir
Siege                    : 03/15

Thomas Peregrine
Rapier Combat            : 03/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 03/15

Thorvald Egilsson
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Authorizing Marshal but without updated Background Check on file

Tigernach Mitcham
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal

Tomas Niallagain
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Tristan von Heidelberg
Loch Soilleir
Youth Authorizing Marshal but without updated Background Check on file

Tristram of the Shadowlands
Rapier Combat            : 08/15
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/15

Ulf Arnfinnson
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ulsted the Unsteady
Loch Soilleir
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal

Vara Sigurdsdottir
Gates Edge
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15
Combat Archery Marshal   : 05/15

Viviana Rowntree
Siege                    : 05/15

Vladislav Strelec
Ansteorra - Other
Armored Combat           : 05/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 05/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 05/15

Vogna Zherebtsovia
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15

Vyolante Drago DoPorto
Siege                    : 06/15

Wentiliana Le Chandeler
Bryn Gwlad
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Wilhelm DeKorath
Emerald Keep
Armored Combat           : 08/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/15

William (Ironwyrm) Blackdragon
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Wissa Medvedeva
Loch Soilleir
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ysfael Bryndu
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Yves de Byron
Dragonsfire Tor
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Zain Ambergate ap Simonn
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Joseph of Stargate
Rapier Combat            : 05/15

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