[Ansteorra] Lost and Found from Coastal Grand Baronial Championships

Steelquist, John F via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon May 11 09:37:40 PDT 2015

Greetings, sorry for the slight delay:

Red bag chair
Blue bag chair
Olive drab bag chair
Black 10x10 popup pavilion with "10x10 pop-up" on white duct tape

Pair of black plastic demi-guantlets
Black plastic gorget
Leather glove

Key pendant, gold with white stone
Wooden Sable Thistle
Beaded stick pin
Brown felt flop hat
Large metal button (like the kind on many shoes)
Lucet with dark blue thread
Wooden mug
Aluminum glass bottom mug with lid

Pictures are available on the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1401607343480646/

Ulsted the Unsteady

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