[Ansteorra] Gulf Wars Land Agents

Liam Gordon via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Nov 2 13:06:39 PST 2015

Greetings to the List,

If your group has not done so, please identify a land agent for your group
and have them contact me at this email. I am hoping that I will have a tad
bit more information regarding pre-registration soon and I will put that
out as soon as possible.

Also, if groups do not identify a group land agent, that group will not be
able to get land at GWs. Along these lines, if a group wants to start
having their own permanent land, it will have to be outside of Ansteorran
lands at KAR due to Ansteorra being land locked at this time.

If you have any questions, please contact. My intent is to set up a
"Request for Information" string and send that out once or twice a month so
that, as questions get answered, folks can see those Q&A's... This also
helps if someone has the same question but doesn't want to ask.

As of now, I have the following groups Land Agents Identified:
Co. of St. Mark- Sir Aesoph
Kyngescreke (Steppes)- Emma Haldan- Tentatively
Loch Sollier- Roland Snyder
Bryn Gwlad/Hellsgate- Mistress Melisandra and Master Timur
Raven's Fort- Baroness Sarah

I have one deputy at this time (officially) and that is Lady Colleen
O'Kelly from Elfsea

I still need Land Agents for quite a few groups... Start pinging your
people and see who is willing to do the job!

In Service to Crown and Country, I Remain,

Riddari Vilhjálmr þursasprengir
(Vil-halm thoor-sas-pren-ger)
(AKA Sir Liam Gordon)

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit

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