[Ansteorra] Champions of Children Tournament at War of the Rams IV (BAM)

Minister of Children via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Nov 16 09:39:18 PST 2015

Greetings again unto the populace,

Don Armand de Lacy and I are sponsoring a special tournament for both the
adult fighters of Ansteorra and our youth.

I previously mentioned before that there will be a 1pm Favor Making class
in the teen pavilion on Saturday. Don Armand will be teaching the youth
about making favors for fighters, why we do it, and why the fighters wear
them. The Youth will make 3 favors during the class: one to keep, one to
give to a chivalric champion, and one to give to a rapier champion.

This is where you come in. The youths participating need to sponsor a
fighter for this tournament. It will start at 2:30 down by the melee
fields. The Champions will be fighting for these youths so they get to
experience the other side of making the favors and the experience of being
fought for. The winners of the chiv and rapier tournament as well as the
youths will be announced in evening court.

If you are interested in participating in this tournament and are a
fighter, please reach out to Don Armand so we know about how many to
expect. Same for the youths, if you have a child that you know for sure
would like to participate, please reach out to me so we can try to prepare.
We will also announce this in morning court on Saturday.

We have never done a tournament like this before, so it would be wonderful
to have a large turn out to show everyone how supportive we are of our
youth and our fighters.

Lady Ceara inghean mhic an Ghabhann
Kingdom MoC

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