[Ansteorra] Southern Regional Hospitaler position opening

Southern Hospitaler via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Nov 29 10:31:31 PST 2015


My tenure as southern Regional hospitaler is coming to a close.   It is
time to open the office to new individuals for the service of our kingdom.
   If you are interested in this position please submit an application   It
can be found at http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf

Enclose a copy of your current membership and driver's license with the id
numbers covered to myself and the kingdom Hospitaler.
southern at hospitaler.ansteorra.org
kingdom at hospitaler.ansteorra.org

Thank you for allowing me this time to serve the kingdom.   I look forward
to future endeavors.

HL. Goldweard of St. Golias
Southern Regional Hospitaler

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