[Ansteorra] Star Principal Herald - Open for Applications

Sara Penrose via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Sep 27 21:44:36 PDT 2015

 Greetings, Ansteorra!

It's hard to believe it, but my two years as Star is almost over! I am
therefore beginning the search for a successor. The office of Star
Principal Herald is open for applications until the end of December, with
office handover tentatively planned for January Round Table, although I
will be available to assist with transition activities for as long as
needed after that.

Interested applicants should send their applications to me, to Their
Majesties and Highnesses, and to the Laurel King of Arms, Master Andrewe
Bawldwyn. This is a challenging but rewarding job that affords you the
chance to serve Ansteorra by serving her populace in the heraldic arts,
by working with talented heralds and scribes at the local, regional,
kingdom, and Society levels, and working with the Crown, Heirs, and Landed
Nobility as required. Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions about the duties of the office.

In service,
Sara Penrose
Star Principal Herald

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