[Ansteorra] Siglo de Oro - Schedule

Catalina Ana de Salamanca via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 30 08:48:19 PDT 2015

                     An event schedule has been cemented for the upcoming
Bryn Gwlad fall event, the Siglo de Oro! Please prepare for combat,
creativity, and general shenanigans ( they are on the schedule).

*Friday 30 Oct*

5pm – Site opens

7pm- Novice Tourney

11pm – Gate closes

*Saturday 31 Oct*

7am- Gate Opens

8am- Wake-up Call

8:30am Armor inspection begins

9am- Morning Court

10am- Site opens to public- Tourneys begin- Classes begin

 10:00 - Golden Ticket Tourney begins. the format will be determined by
number of entrants. Standard Ansteorran tourney format: best 2 of 3, double
elimination, double kills refought.

11am-  Tournament of Defense

Noon - Mass weapon tourney sponsored by Chivalric Champion

2pm - Champions List- Both Chivalric and Rapier.  8  fighters, format is
best 2 of 3, single elimination, double kills refought, weapon styles drawn
by Baron/Baroness/Random Draw .

4pm- Archery Grand Hunt on the Main Fields. Combat crossbow and quarrels
provided by Bryn Gwlad, no armor needed. – Gate closes

5pm- Site closes to public

6pm- Feast is served

7pm- Evening Court

Post Court- Dancing/ Bardic/ General Shenanigans

*Sunday 1 Nov*

10am- Site opens to Public

Noon- Site closes to SCA

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