[Ansteorra] Ansteorra Marshallate Authorization Expirations

via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Aug 1 04:49:35 PDT 2016

The following individuals have authorizations that are recently or are
about to expire:

Shirlene of Namron
Rapier Combat            : 10/16

Achilles von Hutton
Rapier Combat            : 08/16

Adina McRae
Rapier Combat            : 10/16

Ahongus Mac Eohn
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Alain de la Rue
Rapier Combat            : 07/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/16

Aldric de Kerr
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16
Rapier Combat            : 11/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16
Siege                    : 11/16
Siege Marshal            : 11/16
Armored Combat Archery   : 11/16
Combat Archery Marshal   : 11/16
Target Archery Marshal   : 11/16
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 11/16
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Alexios Nikolaou
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Alys Langton
Armored Combat Archery   : 07/16
Combat Archery Marshal   : 07/16
Target Archery Marshal   : 07/16

Andrew Turnbull
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Angeline Falconis
Loch Soilleir
Rapier Combat            : 09/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/16

Arenvald Kief Av Kierstad
Emerald Keep
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Arthur Blackmoon
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Arthur of the Fen
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Aryeh ben David Ben Zecharia
Armored Combat           : 07/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/16

Aurelia Wilhelmina Ruhlander
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rapier Combat            : 11/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Baltasar Cerrada
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16
Rapier Combat            : 11/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Breagan Bleddin Brycheiniog
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 10/16

Caladin Ironhearth
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 08/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/16
Armored Combat Archery   : 08/16

Catlin Woodmane
Rapier Combat            : 10/16

Christian Dore
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 07/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/16
Cut And Thrust           : 07/16

Collwyn  O`Snowdon
Armored Combat           : 07/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/16
Rapier Combat            : 07/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/16
Cut And Thrust           : 07/16

Connal MacNaughten
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/16

Corvin di Fenarro
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Corwin von Xanten
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Cullen MacFina
Armored Combat           : 07/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/16

Cynric of Bedwyn
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Czina Angielczyka
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Damon Hroarsson
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/16

Dunchad Mor MacRonain
Armored Combat           : 09/16

Ean MacRaith
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Engenulf de Vienville
Gates Edge
Armored Combat Archery   : 11/16
Rapier Combat Archery    : 11/16
Combat Archery Marshal   : 11/16
Target Archery Marshal   : 11/16

Eoghan Mac Cinatha
Dragonsfire Tor
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 09/16

Evets von Drachenklaue
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Eynon Ap Madoc
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Francois de Lions
Target Archery Marshal   : 11/16

Gavin Mac Giolla Ruaidh
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat           : 08/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/16
Combat Archery Marshal   : 08/16
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal

Germanicus de Atlan
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal

Gideon MacLeod
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Rapier Combat            : 06/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 06/16

Gunnarr Haukr
Eldern Hills
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal

Havarr Eiriksson
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Rapier Combat            : 10/16

Hrafn Olafsson
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16

Hywel Penbras
Rapier Combat            : 08/16

Iago Cabrera de Cadiz
Armored Combat           : 08/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 08/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 08/16

Ian MacEwan
Target Archery Marshal   : 09/16
Thrown Weapons Marshal   : 09/16

Jakob Kreig McCoy
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Jaquelinne Marguete de la Ryver
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 08/16

Jean Paul de Calmont
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16
Rapier Combat            : 10/16
Cut And Thrust           : 10/16
Siege                    : 10/16
Armored Combat Archery   : 10/16
Target Archery Marshal   : 10/16

John of Severn
Bryn Gwlad
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/16
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Rapier Spear Auth Marshal but not a current Rapier Combat Marshal
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal

John the Bellringer
Out of Kingdom
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Katheryn Cunningghame
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 06/16

Katya Iadorovna Khavlampleva
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Kazimir Liskovich syn Volkov
Rapier Combat            : 09/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/16

Keegan MacMuriegien
Rapier Combat            : 07/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/16
Rapier Combat Archery    : 07/16

Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Siege Auth Marshal but not a current Siege Marshal
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal

Kilian MacRaith
Armored Combat           : 06/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 06/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 06/16

Kolfinna in Kyrra Otarsdottir
Target Archery Marshal   : 08/16

Kristoff Fuggerr
Eldern Hills
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16

Kynodachi no Mykaru
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16

Lantani de Forez
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/16

Leofwine of Sumersaetum
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Llywelyn Gruffydd
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Lobrachonn de Iomadh Rudan
Armored Combat           : 11/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 11/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 11/16

Lucas Mor Mac Raghnaill
Armored Combat           : 07/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 07/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/16

Marguerite du Bois
Armored Combat Archery   : 06/16
Rapier Combat Archery    : 06/16
Combat Archery Marshal   : 06/16
Target Archery Marshal   : 06/16

Marquet de Hyet
Youth Authorizing Marshal but without updated Background Check on file

Masahiro Miyamoto
Rapier Combat            : 09/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 09/16

Mateo Montero de Madrid
Rapier Combat            : 11/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Michel mac Donnchaid
Eldern Hills
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Micola Soranzo
Siege                    : 07/16

Morgan Buchanan
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Dragonsfire Tor
Siege                    : 07/16

Orlando Giovanni
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Rapier Combat Marshal

Owen ap Aeddan
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal
Youth Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Armored Combat Marshal

Owen Longstrider
Armored Combat           : 09/16

Paladin Di Vincenzo
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat            : 10/16

Plachoya Sobaka
Combat Archery Marshal   : 07/16

Redg the Leatherseller
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Rene Damours
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rhiannon ferch Cian
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Youth Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Rhys Llewellyn
Armored Combat           : 06/16

Rikr Foetipper
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16

Rogan Olafson
Armored Combat           : 09/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 09/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 09/16

Seonaid Inghean In Sionnach
Loch Soilleir
Rapier Combat            : 11/16
Armored Combat Archery   : 11/16

Simonn of Amber Isle
Armored Combat           : 07/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 07/16
Rapier Combat            : 07/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 07/16
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

Stefan Le Sanglier
Fynnon Gath
Armored Combat           : 10/16
Fiberglass Spear         : 10/16
Armored Combat Marshal   : 10/16

Tarl Brown
Eldern Hills
Rapier Combat            : 06/16
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 06/16
Rapier Combat Archery    : 06/16

Therese Maria Giovanni
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Timothy Le Corbusier
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Cut And Thrust Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Toshiro Koi
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 07/16

Ulsted the Unsteady
Loch Soilleir
Target Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Target Archery Marshal
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Armored Combat           : 09/16

Võlu-Helena in Flanska
Bryn Gwlad
Rapier Combat Marshal    : 11/16

Wilhelm von Buch
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

William Black Dragon aka 
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Ysfael Bryndu
Bryn Gwlad
Armored Combat Auth Marshal but not a current Armored Combat Marshal

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