[Ansteorra] Royal Gift Donation Thanks

Alviscin via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Aug 25 07:02:02 PDT 2016

You are welcome. We are a giving family. Ayesha



-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Lindsey via Ansteorra <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
To: ansteorra <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2016 1:00 pm
Subject: [Ansteorra] Royal Gift Donation Thanks

Greetings Ansteorra!!

Over the past year it has been my honor to be the Royal Gift Coordinator. I couldn’t possibly have successfully filled this position without the help and generous contributions of many artisans throughout the Kingdom. I was truly overwhelmed at the amazing items that were donated!

When I sent out the call for a need of donations, the individuals below happily answered that call (many not once, but twice!), and for that you all have my gratitude. 

The Barony of Namron
HL Magdalena von Hallenberg & The Barony of Loch Sollier
Mistress Beatrix Alfraye
HE Ayesha de Warwich
HE Mistress Marguarite Dinard
Countess Octavia de Verdon
HE Mistress Adelaide de Bourbon
HE Mistress Ameline du Bois
Lady Liadan ingen Finnen
Lady Aaliz du Lac
HL Jeanne Marie la Verriere
HE Mistress Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan    
HL Karl Thorgeirsson
Centurion Giovanni Rocco
HL Magdalena Cortez
Don Rene Damours
Lady Meadhbh Grahame
HE Sir Daire de Haya
Duke Hrafn Olafsson
HE Sabine Lefevre d'Armagnac
HE Sir John of Severn
Lady Aoife Ruadh Inghean Ragnaill
HE Andrew Turnbull
HE Kyna Terricsdottir
HE Mistress Adena Terrickdoutter
Lady Cecily de Vere
Mistress Adelaide de Beaumont 
Mistress Eleanora Elizabeth Cayley

I tried very hard to keep a very complete and as accurate as possible list of everyone who so graciously gave of their time and talent. If I have forgotten someone, I do apologize. 

With great appreciation, 

Countess Michelle 

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