[Ansteorra] Largess Derby at Namron's Protectorate

Julia Holman via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Aug 31 10:20:05 PDT 2016

I will be hosting a largess derby at Namron’s Protectorate (October 7-9) to
help Their Highnesses have largess for their upcoming reign and Their
Excellencies have largess for the upcoming event season.

Each artisan that wishes to enter shall make seven (7) of any item to be
donated as largess (7 pieces of trim, 7 hats, 7 toys, 7 pairs of socks,
etc). The winner will be selected by populous vote and will receive one
piece from all of the other entries. If there are over 12 entries, we will
also have a Princess’s Choice and a Baronesses’s Choice, each receiving one

The remaining largess items will be split between Their Highnesses and the
Barony of Namron. Need inspiration? Check out the “Largess Makers” Facebook
page or searching for SCA Largess on Pinterest or Google brings up lots of
fun ideas. Too much inspiration? Multiple entries are welcome!

You can bring your largess items to Protectorate (or send them with someone
if you aren't able to make it and still wish to enter). They will be
displayed and the populous will vote at the event. I still need to
coordinate the details with the event schedule, but drop off will be in the
morning with voting throughout the day.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Lady Julia Haiduk

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