[Ansteorra] Pre-Registration Ends TODAY!

Liam Gordon via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Feb 15 10:38:05 PST 2016


As of right now, tomorrow is the last day for pre-registration. Please go


Please remember to pay your invoice. If you request the invoice, but do not
pay, you are NOT pre-registered.

Select Ansteorra for both "Kingdom of Residency" and "Group Camping With."
In the "Other" box, please write in the group that you will be camping with.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your
Group Land Agent.

In service to Crown, and Country, I Remain,
Riddari Vilhjalmr Thursesprenger
(AKA Sir Liam Gordon)

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