[Ansteorra] Round Table Lunch Thanks

Bill Butler via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Jan 24 18:06:03 PST 2016

 At Round Table on Saturday, Don Brian, the Kingdom Seneschal, did give me credit for the lunch that was finally served on Saturday.
Alas, I can not take all the credit. I was just the idea guy.
As for sponsoring the lunch, beside myself, Lady Lessa also contributed funds to sponsor the lunch.
Help, it was needed desperately .  I was late getting back in town from a work assignment on Friday.  If Lady Lessa, Baroness Katya, and Duchess Cateau had not jumped in at the last minute and performed a Yeoman work in doing the preparation work on Friday for me, nothing would have gotten prepared in time to even get to the site.  (And the homemade cornbread was made and donated by Duchess Cateau, in case you are looking for the recipe.)  
Lady Lessa, Duchess Rowan, and Countess Rebecca did a tremendous job in helping get everything put together and serving the soup.  Also, thanks to Baroness Katya for finally getting through my thick and stubborn skull what needed to be done to get the soups ready to serve.
Also, to the countless wonderful people who made offers through out the day to help - Thank You.  Once again you all showed what makes our Kingdom as great as it is - people willing to help at any time and in any way they can.
And I do apologize to one and all for not having lunch ready when it should have been.
OH, a last word of advice for any feast steward:  So not use roasters to make soup unless you have a whole lot of time.

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